Investing in Your Human Capital for Lasting Positive Change

Executive Recruitment

Executive Recruitment

Executive Recruitment

The process of finding a new leader can be disconcerting for any organization, regardless of whether or not it is a result of a planned or unanticipated departure. Our experience with the real world challenges of recruiting and maintaining high quality talent comes from years in the trenches as managers and directors of nonprofit and public sector organizations. Recruitment of any senior level position provides a perfect opportunity to assess the organization’s immediate and long-term leadership needs. Screening candidate resumes against a set of required qualifications identified through the strategic review enhances the chances of having a good fit between organizational needs and candidates' skill sets and experience. From identifying the salient traits based on interviews with key stakeholders to crafting and strategically disseminating the job opportunity through a diversity of professional networks, expanding and screening the applicant pool and managing the interview and final offer process, we bring the right people for your consideration. 

Succession Planning

Planning for new leadership does not have to be frightening. Succession planning can both energize and reassure a Board by providing the occasion to assess the future directions of the organization, how the responsibilities of the Executive Director may have shifted and if the compensation is in line with market. When properly managed, preparing for new leadership creates an opportunity to assess the organization's capacity to respond to their current and future environment. 

We can also help establish clear first year goals which are essential for a new Executive Director’s success. Let us help engage your Board and staff to plan for stable leadership throughout personnel changes.


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